Date | Kind | Origin | Details |
17/01/1710 | Christening | Spouse Event [Spouse] | Place | Holy Trinity, Bramley, Surrey |
About 1714 | Birth | Event |
04/06/1734 | Marriage | Family Event As Spouse [Family] | Place | St. John The Baptist, Wonersh, Surrey |
29/06/1739 | Christening | Child Event As Mother [James BLY(THMAN)] | Place | Holy Trinity, Bramley, Surrey |
Estimated as 1746 | Birth | Child Event As Mother [William BLYTH(MAN)] |
17/06/1748 | Christening | Child Event As Mother [William BLYTH(MAN)] | Place | Holy Trinity, Bramley, Surrey |
02/02/1749 | Christening | Child Event As Mother [John BLYTH(MAN)] | Place | Holy Trinity, Bramley, Surrey |
03/05/1751 | Christening | Child Event As Mother [Sarah BLYTH(MAN)] | Place | Holy Trinity, Bramley, Surrey |
28/04/1754 | Christening | Child Event As Mother [Mary BLYTH(MAN)] | Place | Holy Trinity, Bramley, Surrey |
31/10/1756 | Christening | Child Event As Mother [Thomas BLYTHE(MAN)] | Place | Holy Trinity, Bramley, Surrey |
20/04/1781 | Burial | Child Event As Mother [Sarah BLYTH(MAN)] | Place | St. Peter & St. Paul, Godalming Surrey |
20/11/1793 | Burial | Child Event As Mother [Mary BLYTH(MAN)] | Place | St. Peter & St. Paul, Godalming Surrey |
01/09/1802 | Burial | Child Event As Mother [Thomas BLYTHE(MAN)] | Place | Holy Trinity, Bramley, Surrey |
1817 | Death | Child Event As Mother [William BLYTH(MAN)] |
19/05/1817 | Burial | Child Event As Mother [William BLYTH(MAN)] | Place | St. John the Baptist, Wonersh, Surrey |